The Higher Certificate in Facilities Management

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The Higher Certificate in Facilities Management (NQF 5) training programme has been evaluated and endorsed by the South African Facilities Management Association (SAFMA).

The Higher Certificate in Facilities Management four block weeks per annum forms part of the required face-to-face time that is scheduled in the programme. The balance of the learning hours consists of self-study, video sessions, and assignments. To receive a certificate, students must pass both the formative and summative assessments

    • Areas of Study
      • Structure of the Built Environment
      • Basic Construction Technology
      • Facilities Management
      • Construction Quantity Surveying
      • Property Development
      • Commercial Law
      • Property Law
      • Accreditation
    • The Higher Certificate in Facilities Management is accredited by the Council for Higher Education at NQF Level 5 with 120 Credits, which equals 1,200 notional learning hours.

Register now






Registration for this Short Course is subject to the Terms and Conditions below.


  • All short courses require the full, non-refundable payment five (5) working days prior to commencement of the course.
  • Registrations will not be confirmed until proof of payment is received.
  • No discount options are available unless clearly stated otherwise.

Registration Form

  • To reserve a place on a nominated short-course, the registration form must be completed in full, i.e. name, ID number, name of short course, etc.
  • Please provide the course coordinator a certified copy of your ID document.


  • Reservations will be made only on receipt of payment.
  • Foreign participants coming into the country for purposes of attending the short course other than exceptional circumstances are required to pay the full fee for the course five working days prior to registration. No visa letters will be provided until proof of payment is received.
  • Wits Enterprise reserves the right to withhold examination results, certificates or access to the campus until the outstanding accounts are settled in full.
  • The participant/guardian/sponsor is solely responsible for payment of the account.
  • The following methods of payment are accepted: direct deposit and electronic payments. Cash payments cannot be accepted. A credit card machine is available at the Wits Enterprise offices.
  • Should a direct deposit and/or electronic transfer be made, please provide proof of payment.


Courses with a duration of up to five contact days:
  • Cancellation by registrant less than 10 working days before the start date will result in liability for full payment of the fees.
  • Cancellation by registrant more than 10 working days before the start date will result in a cancellation fee of 50% of the fees.
Courses with a duration of more than a week:
  • Cancellation by registrant less than 10 working days before the start date will result in liability for full payment of the fees.
  • Cancellation by registrant more than 10 working days before the start date will result in the forfeiture of the non-refundable deposit of 50% of the fees.
  • Cancellation by registrant more than a month before commencement will result in an administration fee of 15% of the total course fee.
  • Cancellation by registrant after commencement will result in liability for the full amount.
  • Wits Enterprise reserves the right to postpone or cancel a course due to lack of demand.
  • In the event of cancellation, or reasonable postponement time, all fees paid will be refunded to the person/entity that made the original payment.

Legal Declaration of Indemnity

By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the applicant and/or the parent/guardian/next-of-kin/sponsor of the applicant:
  • Acknowledges that Wits Enterprise does not accept responsibility for damage or loss in respect of property of the applicant or in respect of property brought onto Wits Enterprise venues by the applicant.
  • Hereby indemnifies Wits Enterprise in respect of any damage caused by the applicant to the Wits Enterprise property or to the property of third parties, whether on or off the Wits Enterprise premises, as a result of the applicant's actions either whilst on the Wits Enterprise premises or whilst engaged in any activity related to Wits Enterprise.
  • Undertakes during the orientation period and for any period during which the applicant is a participant in any of the short courses, to be bound by the rules and regulations of the Wits Enterprise for the time being in force, including the rules and regulations of any Wits Enterprise residence, club or society to which the applicant may be admitted or become a member and by any requirements or conditions imposed by Wits Enterprise on the applicant as a prerequisite to registration as a participant on a Wits Enterprise short-course in any faculty.
  • Declares that he/she will furnished Wits Enterprise with all the information required to make an informed decision about his/her admission.
  • Undertakes to pay unconditionally all fees, charges and equipment surcharges payable to Wits Enterprise as they fall due for payment.

Terms of Enrolment

  • Non-attendance will not result in a reduction of fees, nor will it absolve the participant or the other signatories from full liability for the payment of fees.
  • Amendments to the registration or contract may be made only with the written consent of Wits Enterprise.
  • Wits Enterprise reserves the right to change timetables, course commencement dates, postpone or cancel tuition in any short course initially advertised and offered, on the basis of insufficient demand or on any other reasonable ground.
  • The participant agrees to be bound by the rules of due performance. Wits Enterprise reserves the right to exclude the participant from an examination and to withhold the participant's examination results if his/her due performance requirements have not been met, without in any way detracting from the right of Wits Enterprise to recover fees payable.
  • Where fees are paid via instalments, failure to pay any single instalment timeously will result in the full balance becoming immediately due and payable on notice.
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