Sponsorship of the Main Programme
Valued at R54K excluding. vat
The SPONSOR shall be entitled to the following benefits in respect of the Sponsorship of the PDP
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to have their logo with a URL link on the PDP page on the SAPOA website.
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to have their company profile of 100 – 150 words on the PDP page on the SAPOA website.
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to co-branding on all online registration forms pertaining to the programme once the sponsorship has been secured and contract to that effect is signed.
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to co-branding on all adverts (online + print) once the sponsorship has been secured and contract to that effect is signed.
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to co-branding on all signage banners at the venue – GSB – Cape Town.
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to place marketing collaterals and/or giveaways in the delegate bags subject to approval from SAPOA.
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to co-branding on the screen during the welcoming address and orientation.
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to a 5-minute address by a Senior/Executive Representative.
- The Sponsor shall be continuously acknowledged during the lectures (online & face-to-face).
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to co-brand on the virtual- and onsite platform whilst the lectures are being presented.
- Acknowledgement at the Welcoming and Orientation session at the GSB- Cape Town as per the programme.
- The Sponsor shall be mentioned in all press releases referencing the programme.
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to two (2) complimentary invitation to the Certification Dinner.
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to a DPS advert in the delegate booklet.
Sponsorship of the Main Programme
Valued at R54K excluding. vat
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to have their logo with a URL link on the PDP page on the SAPOA
- website as the PDP 2023 Certification Dinner
- The Sponsor shall be mentioned in all press releases referencing the PDP Certification Dinner
- Acknowledgement at the Welcoming and Orientation session at the GSB- University of Cape
- Town as the Certification Dinner Sponsor.
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to co-branding at the venue for the Certification Dinner – The One
- & Only (Cape Town).
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to co-branding on the welcoming slides for the Certification Dinner.
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to address the delegates at the Certification Dinner for no more
- than 5 -10 minutes by a Senior Executive.
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to co-brand on the programme for the Certification Dinner.
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to co-brand on the dinner invite to delegates and guest for the
- Certification Dinner.
- The Sponsor shall be allowed to place table gifts at the Certification Dinner for each guest
- (optional).
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to four (4) complimentary invitations to the Certification Dinner
Sponsorship of the Text Books
Valued at R50K excluding. vat
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to have their logo with a URL link on the PDP page on the SAPOA website as the Text Book Sponsor.
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to have their company profile of 100 – 120 words on the PDP page on the SAPOA website.
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to co-branding on all adverts (online + print) once the sponsorship has been secured and contract to that effect is signed.
- The Sponsors shall be entitled to co-brand with SAPOA on the bookmarker.
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to add in their contact details on the bookmarker.
- The Sponsors shall be entitled to insert a sponsor’s message not exceeding 200 words in the delegate booklet.
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to a DPS advert in the delegate booklet.
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to two (2) complimentary invitation to the Certification Dinner.
Sponsorship of the Delegate Books
Valued at R40K excluding. vat
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to have their logo with a URL link on the PDP page on the SAPOA website as the Delegate Book Sponsor
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to have their company profile of 75 – 100 words on the PDP page on the SAPOA website.
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to an A5 advert in the booklet with contact details.
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to have a sponsor message not exceeding 200 words in the booklet.
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to two (2) complimentary invitation to the Certification Dinner.
Sponsorship of the Winners Prizes (each)
X 2 Valued at R20K excluding. Vat each
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to have their logo with a URL link on the PDP page on the SAPOA website as the Delegate Book Sponsor
- The Sponsor will be entitled to have their logo on the screen at the certification dinner as the prize sponsors.
- The Sponsor will be entitled to have the prizes exclusively branded.
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to one (1) complimentary invitation to the Certification Dinner.
- The Sponsor shall be entitled to have a classified advert in the delegate booklet with their contact details.